International Residency for Artists Ivrea (Torino) - Italia
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Artists in residency
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2020-2021-2022-2023: Erwin de Hart (Holland)- art exhibition "Luci d'Ottobre" at Azami,
Theresa Lekberg (Sweden)
Mike Corey of Fearless and Far, freelance travel youtuber and influencer (Canada), www.fearlessandfar.com
Roberta Tirassa (Italy): "Minotauros", by Roberta Tirassa and Enten Eller (Barbiero, Mandarini, Brunod, Maier)
Pacia Sallomi (USA): painter. Exhibition "Creative travel Journals"
Sheila Grant (UK): dancer, actress, singer
Teresa Fabiao (Portugal): dancer. "Soli in danza tra Europa e Salvador da Bahia", "TransAtlantica"May 2017.
Eugenio Pacchioli (Italy): painter. Exhibition, June 2017.
Lucia Leena (Austria): musician, singer, June 2017. "Something new" concert/dance.
Roberta Tirassa (Italy): dancer. "Creasplendore" dance solo.
Theo TJ Lowe (UK): dancer and choreographer. July. Coaching for "Creasplendore" by Roberta Tirassa, Joe Barba (Italy) freelance videomaker of A nodo mio.
Soul Sarah (Italy).
Giusi Bergandi (Italy): painter. Exhibition in Red Flow, 21 december 2014 to 12th January 2015.
Roberta Tirassa (Italy): dancer. Exhibition in Red Flow, 21 december 2014 to 12th January 2015 - Videodance "Red Rush"
Clara Libertini (Firenze, Italy): actress and director. November 2014. Performance "Eccomi qui: storie e segreti di un albero". Art project and show for the school.
Kim Seokyung (South Corea): visual artist. July 2014.
Hyojung Jung (South Korea): visual artis. July 2014
Nestor Solvis Kouamè (Ivory Coast and France): based in Paris, dancer, choreographer and professor of afro contemporary dance. Afro contemporary dance Performance "Ô", by Nestor Kouamé, with Nestor Kouamè and Roberta Tirassa. Show at Teatro Giacosa di Ivrea, March 2014.
Andy Scott Ngoua (Gabon): Dancer and choreographer. Performance "Soliloque" at Teatro Giacosa di Ivrea, March 2014.
Nestor Solvis Kouamè (Ivory Coast and France): based in Paris, dancer, choreographerand professor of afro contemporary dance. Afro contemporary dance Performance "Ô", y Nestor Kouamé, with Nestor Kouamè and Roberta Tirassa. At the 33° Open Euro Jazz Festival di Ivrea e Canavese 2013. Opere e suprvisione artistica di Marco Sbizzera.
Andrea Kuna and Jose Lugones from Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA). Leonardo Cuello Dance Company, Tango.
Dance show at the Società Canottieri Sirio di Ivrea. June 2013. Organization My Fair Wedding
Giusi Bergandi. (Italia) Painter. Exhibition. From April to December.
Sellou Sordet Dance Company (France, Ivory Coast), with Odwalla.
Sellou Sordet, Ably Richard, Daudet Grazai, Nadege Fenghom.
Afro contemporary dance. Show with Odwalla at The Teatro Giacosa di Ivrea in October, OPEN WORLD JAZZ FESTIVAL 213
December 2012:
Marie France Martin (France), dancer and choreographer: Performance "Les 4 éléments", afro contemporary dance.
Contemporary art exibition: Marco Sbizzera (Italy), Luisa Accattino (Italy).
Photography Exhibition: "Infinito vuoto/pieno" by Giorgio Ceradelli (Italy). www.giorgioceradelli.com