International Residency for Artists Ivrea (Torino) - Italia
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Since 2013 Glosolì is a member of RES ARTIS, the largest existing network of artist residency programs numbering over 400 members drawn from more than 50 countries in the world.
The residency program is open to artists of these fields: afro contemporary dance, contemporary dance, dance, performing arts, yoga, dance theatre, film making, visual art, photography, new media, web communication, administrative, music, visual arts. But feel free to send your application if you work in a different field and have a great interest and an original project! We welcome artists of all age and nationalities.
Every artist in residency may use the room, internet, the dance space, according to a common schedule, the washing machine and can take part for free to the activities that the Cultural Association Glosolì might organize in the house and outside, like: workshops, classes, performances, exhibitions, conferences, activities related to a connection of body, mind and soul and art social projects.
Me, Roberta, as I have a degree in environmental engineering, worked as a consultant in environmental education projects and I am fond of mountaineering and I love nature, I can suggest beautiful locations to make good art work related to this territory and landscape. So that you can explore them with long walks or by renting a bike or a car!
Or we can arrange excursions with naturalistic guides for you.
However and important, if artists feel the necessity for a, culturally alive, bigger town, you can easily reach Torino centre with just an hour by train and 11.50 € (Ivrea station is 10 minutes walk from the residency).
As much as possible the members of the Cultural Association Glosolì can give advice and participate on the works in progress of the artists in residency, in an atmosphere of exchange and mutual nourishment.
Roberta Tirassa can give her support and presence as a choreographer or an external eye for the dance and body creations and compositions, with a previous agreement.
Everyone is responsible for their own activities and visits and should be cooperative with the people and events-lessons that might take place in the house.
Glosolì can help to show the new works, by organizing in the house performances and exhibitions, or finding other venues in town. Presentation of artist’s works may be arranged case by case, though we prefer to host artists who work independently. Glosolì may suggest music, dance schools, art galleries in town.
Glosolì is still not a venue which has the budget to produce projects. We are small and indipendent.
Two weeks or up to 4 weeks (longer stays might also be considered depending on the project).
Three months residencies only depending on availability. The program is running all year long; write and ask us for eventual deadlines/vacancies.
Every artist must be responsible for these expenses: Visa, medical assistance, travel from his country to Ivrea and back, food, internet USB, washing machine (3€/each) every supply for his personal work and daily life, a mandatory fee to become a member and join the Associazione Culturale Glosolì and for the accommodation. Write an e-mail for the economic details.
To apply to our program you must send us, by e-mail:
1) Biography/cv/website
2) Examples of recent works (via attached file, or link to website or link to video)
3) A short description of your intended project during your residency (a new one or part of a work in progress)
4) The desired dates and lenght of your period in residency.
You can send your info in Italian, English, Spanish, French or Portuguese.
A jury of experts in their domains, members of the committee of the Associazione Culturale Glosolì and other partners, will evaluate the applications. Only complete submissions will be checked.
After our answer, we will have a Skype talk.
The residence it’s a strictly a NO SMOKING PLACE.