International Residency for Artists Ivrea (Torino) - Italia
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Ivrea & Canavese & Culture
Since 2018 Ivrea became Unesco world heritage site because of the Olivetti industry and culture!
Glosolì is in the historic centre of Ivrea in front of the Teatro Giacosa; www.teatrogiacosa.it
It’s close to a wonderful nature of lakes, woods and mountains, the Anfiteatro Morenico di Ivrea and its 5 lakes and to the Alps, which can inspire artists and tourists.
Ivrea is part of the “Via Francigena”, the historical, cultural, spiritual and naturalistic pilgrimage leading to Rome from Canterbury; www.viafrancigena.com.
Glosolì is in the town of the “Storico Carnevale di Ivrea” an interesting carnival, with the unique “battle of the oranges” which can become a thing to explore from an artistic point of view too; www.storicocarnevaleivrea.it, Glosolì is in the heart of the Carnival!
In Ivrea there is an open museum of Olivetti company’s architectures: www.mamivrea.it and www.maam.ivrea.it, the Archivio Storico Olivetti and Museo Tecnologicamente.
Our main museum is called Museo Garda with permanent and temporary exhibitions.
For Torino tourism: Art in tour; www.artintour.net; www.turismotorino.org
For naturalistic excursions in the Parc of Gran Paradiso: www.naturalp.it
The tour operator for bikers: www.bikearound.it
Remember that there are many interesting outdoor running trails and triathlon competitions organised around the area!
From Ivrea you can easily reach Aosta, Forte di Bard, Torino.
In Ivrea on June we have a Festival about reading/words/literature: "La Grande Invasione" and on March the Open Papyrus Jazz Festival. And the international chamber music festivals "Accordi rivelati" and "Colori di settembre".
Have a look at the video made by 2019 AIR Mike Corey, of Fearless and Far, about our Carnival!